Data entry processes have begun for The Impact Rankings 2022 Ranking. Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings is an independent ranking organization that analyzes and ranks Universities in order to rank Universities within the scope of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In order for our university to be rated in THE Impact Rankings, the relevant indicators of the CORPORATE survey must be filled in by the Unit Data Officers to cover the dates 01.01.2020-31.12.2020. For exceptional indicators that cover different date ranges, the start and end date of the scope of the indicator are also specified. In order for each indicator to be evaluated, recording the realization values within the specified date range, proving information-documents related to the recorded values (screenshot including filter options, internet URL address, photo, highlighted law, regulation, directive, archive record, annual report, calculation requiring calculation) all kinds of documents such as calculation images of the data) must be uploaded to the Corporate Data Management System in a fully consolidated and compressed file (.zip) format.
2022 Rankings Performance Report
Participation in IWGM 2023 from Our International Rankings Team
2021 Rankings Performance Report
Data entry processes for The Impact Rankings 2022 Rankings have been completed!
Revision Processes of U-Multirank Corporate and Field Based Survey Begins!
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.